How Erasmus students can help solve your social enterprise’s challenges

Would you like to team up with driven students that are studying how new economies and social entrepreneurship can help solve environmental and social challenges like climate change or inequality?
The minor ‘New Economic Thinking & Social Entrepreneurship’ by DRIFT and Impact Centre Erasmus (ICE) is starting in September again, and we are still looking for transformative social entrepreneurs and sustainability start-ups that would like to involve students in solving their challenges. You can register before 10 July!

Wanted: social enterprise struggles
Do you run a social enterprise and are you struggling with questions like: How can my business model have (transformative) impact? What role can my business play in current sustainability or social challenges? What social value can or does my enterprise create? And how do I position my business as a radical innovator? Then we are looking for you to get involved in our minor ‘New Economic Thinking & Social Entrepreneurship’.
Bringing together students, sustainability start-ups and social entrepreneurs
During this minor, which runs from September 2022 to November 2022, students work in groups of three to five on a challenge brought in by social and/or impact-driven enterprises. The student groups will help your organization address the sustainability, impact or business-proposition challenges it is facing. From a critical transition and impact perspective, students will look for a solution to the challenges posed while applying their (new) knowledge. The course ends with a pitch event together with all enterprises, students, and the teachers of the minor.
Here’s how to get involved
Please fill out this form before 10 July 2022. 
You will hear whether your case is selected no later than 20 July 2022. Selected social enterprises will be asked to make a 2-minute video about their social enterprise and their main question to be addressed by the students.
What do you bring in?
To participate, social entrepreneurs should be willing to:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at