TZM Feedback Form (want to know why people aren't that active anymore)


You can create a poll on the forum, the thing on Dropbox is just an image, right? More info about how to do that can be found here. The options listed there look fine to me.

  • Poll? Mehhh
  • Poll sounds cool

0 voters

I edited your post and created the poll if you don’t mind :slight_smile:

1 Like

The full poll is a Typeform form and I’ve got it feeding into a Google Sheet.

No signup required and looks way better than the forum poll.
I do think the Forum poll does have some uses. But not when trying to get 1,000+ responses.

I answered ‘no’ for the question below.

Currently some chapters occasionally accept donations or require ticket sales for certain events.
But should The Zeitgeist Movement attempt to get hundreds of thousands or even Millions of dollars (e.g USD) in donations to help transition to a Post-Scarcity (NL/RBE) society?

The reason for that is that we can’t even handle activities efficiently that don’t require any money at the moment. So before we go about that direction the movement should become mature and have specific needs for those kind of funds with timeboxed deliverables set. So that not a single large donation is needed, but things can be done step by step without huge sums of money.

I edited your top post by the way so that people know where to fill in the form. People tend to start to read at the top and expect to see the goal of this topic there. Tzheahh power of forum topic threads versus single threads with mixed subjects :nerd_face: I’ll try to tone down my forum versus group chat comparisons, but can’t help myself sometimes :slight_smile:


Hi @kublermdk, do you have some results to share about this survey? I’m interested in this as well.

Has the survey result convinced you to not be active anymore either? :wink:

ba GIF

Just bumping this thread one last time, @kublermdk, did anything come out of this survey?