My "on the grid" project

Over a past few days, I have been working on a website based on my “on the grid” idea as discussed in a previous thread. I realized this is a more constructive thing for me to do than run a chapter. I was never comfortable running a chapter on facebook as my real name and profile is used which takes away any since of privacy from my personal profile. The new site ( is still in it’s infancy; and will stay like that as it came at a time when I’m set to go on a week’s vacation. When I get back, I will develop it as much as I can and it will be my new form of advocacy from here on out.

Please remember that we have an @it-team here on the forum, just in case you need help :slight_smile:

Hi @BobSacamano, any updates on your progress? Please keep us in the loop. When do you think this project is finalized? By definition a project has an end goal and end date :slight_smile: They can’t go on forever.

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