For each chapter a forum category?

It’s indeed best to leave an introduction here below:

Please read the top post and leave some details of your chapter, also check if there is already an online chapter somewhere on Facebook Groups, Reddit or a dedicated home page on the web, etc. With that information I can create a forum group and add you to the global map :slight_smile:

@BoQsc it’s certainly technically possible to create a category named “Chapter” and there create subcategories for each chapter like you mention. The Fedora support forum has something similar:

These are the reasons why I haven’t set something like that up:

  • Less is more. Creating too many categories creates too many options, which doesn’t make things simple. A solution for that would be to only show certain categories to people in a group. But that will create islands yet again in the movement, which is the thing I want to fix with this forum.
  • We already have the groups which advertise a chapter’s own domain of interaction already. Which may be a website, social-media group, etc. This gives chapters their own independence, which also saves some drama when things may change with the forum. It’s more flexible if chapters operate their own communities and keep this forum as a common digital square to meet and discuss subjects.
  • Moderation also becomes harder. I cannot moderate topics and discussions that aren’t written in English.
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